Former WWE CEO Linda McMahon receives Republican nomination in Connecticut Senate race; opponent contends race isn't over

Former WWE CEO Linda McMahon received the Republican nomination for U.S. Senator in Connecticut at today's Republican Convention in Hartford.

The Wall Street Journal picked up on the news with a Breaking News alert headlining: "Connecticut Republicans endorsed former World Wrestling Entertainment executive Linda McMahon for the U.S. Senate race."

McMahon's campaign immediately sent out a press release declaring "Linda Wins!" McMahon said in the statement: "I'm very honored to have earned my party's endorsement and nomination, and I am determined to lead our party to victory in November."

Republican candidate Rob Simmons is not out of the race despite McMahon declaring victory. Simmons's campaign sent an email following McMahon's email saying Simmons still plans to run against McMahon in the Republican primary in August.

"Linda McMahon has invested over $16 million in this campaign. I have spent nothing taking my case to the voters, and there remains a case to be made. ... There is much time left in this campaign. I have sufficient funds to make a compelling case to voters before the primary, and that is what is expected by my supporters, many of whom have already asked me to remain in this race regardless of outcome," Simmons said.

Meanwhile, the Democratic party in Connecticut nominated Richard Blumenthal to run in the Senate race in November. There were questions over whether the party would still nominate Blumenthal after questions arose on whether Blumenthal embellished his Vietnam War record. Source:

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