Play Pacman on Google
Today is 22nd May and it’s the Pac-man’s 30th Anniversary. So are you ready to celebrate the day with Google? Visit Google homepage then you will see Pac-Man doodle there. It’s not simply a doodle actually it’s a flash player where you can play the actual Pac-Man game. Its Google’s another unique and beautiful way to celebrate this special occasion. The game will be live for 48 hours so what are you waiting for? Enjoy the day with your all time favorite game. Thirty years ago on May 22 this game was released first time in Japan by Namco Bandai Games and in a short span of time it became one of the most demanding games across the globe. Its popularity is still increasing even after three decades. In the first year of its production, more than 100,000 units were sold only in the U.S.
Doodle is the most unique creation of the Father of search engines. On different occasions like on birthdays, anniversaries and on many other specials events Google changes its official logo in a doodle related to that day. This time to celebrate the Pac-Man anniversary the doodle is invented by Marcin Wichary. Marcin Wichary is a senior and experienced designer. For this special doodle he worked with Google’s designer and doodler Ryan Germick.
Not only is this, Pac-Man is also in the list of Guinness Book of World Record. It’s listed as one of the successful coin-operated game. In the games world Pac-Man is an icon character. People from almost all age groups like to play this game. Source:
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